Oral Histories

Interview of Eva Andry

Art director, production designer, and visual artist.
The Crafts in Hollywood: Production Design
Film and Television
Biographical Note:
Art director, production designer, and visual artist.
Collings, Jane
Andry, Eva
Persons Present:
Andry and Collings.
Place Conducted:
Andry's home in Venice, California.
Supporting Documents:
Records relating to the interview are located in the office of the UCLA Library’s Center for Oral History Research.
Interviewer Background and Preparation:
The interview was conducted by Jane Collings, principal editor and interviewer, UCLA Center for Oral History Research; Ph.D., Critical Studies in Film and Television, UCLA.
Processing of Interview:
The interviewer prepared a timed log of the audio recording of the interview. Andry was given the opportunity to review the log in order to supply missing or misspelled names and to verify the accuracy of the content. The corrections made were entered into the text without further editing or review on the part of the Center for Oral History Research staff.
1.75 hrs.
Regents of the University of California, UCLA Library.
Series Statement:
This series of interviews was undertaken in collaboration with the Art Directors Guild. Its aim is to document the lives and work of Guild members and staff who have made a significant contribution to film and television history. Interviews capture the work of title artists, set designers, art directors, production designers, and many other categories. The contribution of labor unions in shaping the conditions of the work is also addressed.
Early life and arts education--Begins work in interior design--Union work on Miami Vice and other TV and film productions--Difference between positions of production designer, art director, and visual consultant--Non-union work on theme parks--Experiences gender inequality within the industry.
Theme park work for Universal Studios, as well as Tokyo Disneyland--Scouts locations for Miami vice--Works on Lethal Weapon--Covered union work--Emphasis on computer skills over artistic ability on the job today--Influenced by Arthur Lonergan's work--Own creative work as an artist--Enjoyed work on Sixteen to Life.