Oral Histories

Interview of Hancock Banning Jr.

Son of Hancock Banning, a businessman and land developer who owned Santa Catalina Island.
The Banning Family in Southern California
Interviews not in a series, part one
Biographical Note:
Son of Hancock Banning, a businessman and land developer who owned Santa Catalina Island.
Tweedale, Dellene M.
Banning, Hancock Jr.
Persons Present:
Banning and Tweedale.
Place Conducted:
Banning, Jr.'s home in San Marino, California.
Supporting Documents:
Records relating to the interview are located in the office of the UCLA Library's Center for Oral History Research.
Interviewer Background and Preparation:
The interview was conducted by Dellene M. Tweedale, Librarian-Interviewer, UCLA Oral History Program; B.A., history, UCLA, 1961; M.L.S., UCLA, 1964; Certificate in Archives Administration, The National Archives and American University, Washington, D. C., 1965; and graduate work in Archives Management at the London School of Librarianship and Archives, London, England, 1967-68. Tweedale prepared for the interview by researching the Banning papers from the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery. She also researched:Catalina Islander, 1914-1919. Avalon, California.Hillinger, Charles. The California Islands;with photographs by Howard Maxwell. LosAngeles, Academy Publishers [1958].Holder, Charles Frederick. The Channel Islands of California; a book for the angler, sportsman, and tourist. London, Hodder, 1910.Santa Catalina, an isle of summer; its history, climate, sports, and antiquities. San Francisco, Murdock, 1895.Krythe, Maymie R. Port Admiral: PhineasBanning, I830-I885 . San Francisco, California Historical Society, 1957.Ludwig, Ella A. History of the harbor districtof Los Angeles. [Los Angeles?] CaliforniaHistoric Record Company [1927?]Overholt, Alma. The Catalina Story. Compiledunder the auspices of the Catalina IslandMuseum. [Avalon? California] Windle, Ernest. Windle's history of Catalina(and guide). Avalon, Catalina, CatalinaIslander, 1931. Other related materials in the UCLALibrary's Department of Special Collections,such as clippings, pictures, brochures, andmiscellaneous manuscripts were consulted.
Processing of Interview:
A verbatim transcript of the tape-recorded interviews was edited by Tweedale primarily to obtain correct punctuation, paragraphing, correct spelling, verification of proper and place names. The manuscript reflects the original sequence of the interviewing sessions. When the editor has added words or phrases not actually spoken by the interviewee on the tape, they have been bracketed except in the case of short connective words. Banning's editing included only the correction and/or verification of personal and place names which the interviewer was unable to verify.
5.75 hrs.
Regents of the University of California, UCLA Library.