Oral Histories

Interview of Delbert Ausmus

Colonel in the Coast Artillery Corps.
A Career in the U. S. Coast Artillery Corp
Interviews not in a series, part one
Military History
Military History
Biographical Note:
Colonel in the Coast Artillery Corps.
Dixon, Elizabeth I.
Ausmus, Delbert
Persons Present:
Ausmus and Dixon.
Place Conducted:
Ausmus's apartment in Los Angeles, California.
Supporting Documents:
Records relating to the interview are located in the office of the UCLA Library's Center for Oral History Research.
Interviewer Background and Preparation:
The interview was conducted by Elizabeth I. Dixon, Head, Oral History Program,UCLA; B.S., international relations, USC; M.L.S., library service, UCLA.
Processing of Interview:
The transcripts were edited by Bernard Galm, Oral History Program, UCLA; B.A., English, St. John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota.Editing was completed July 12, 1968.The edited material represents a verbatim transcript of the taped interviews. An audit-edit was done to check the accuracy of the transcription. The editing was minor in nature, mainly the introduction of punctuation, correction of spelling, and verification of proper and place names. The manuscript reflects the original sequence of the interview sessions.The editor brought the edited manuscript to the interviewee for his review, which he completed August 10, 1968. The interviewee verified names and made minor emendations. No significant changes were made in the manuscript.The index was compiled by Jack Vaughn. The supporting documents were prepared by the staff of the Oral History Program.
41. 5 hrs.
Regents of the University of California, UCLA Library.
Boyhood in Kansas; forty-three-year career with Coast Artillery Corps, United States Army, 1903-46; experiences as battery commander in American antiaircraft unit serving with French army in World War I; training reserve officers following World War I; organizing Citizens Military Training Camps; service with harbor defenses of Manila and Subic Bay in Philippine Islands, 1931-34; training Coast Artillery Corps, Philippine Army; World War II experiences as beach defense commander of Corregidor until its surrender, May 6, 1942; Japanese POW camps; presentation of surviving fragment of American flag from Corregidor to Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson and President Harry S Truman, November 24, 1945.