Oral Histories

Interview of Page Ackerman

UCLA university librarian and UCLA professor of library and information science.
As Luck Would Have It
Interviews not in a series, part one
UCLA and University of California History
UCLA Librarians
Biographical Note:
UCLA university librarian and UCLA professor of library and information science.
Treleven, Dale E.
Ackerman, Page
Supporting Documents:
Records relating to the interview are located in the office of the UCLA Library's Center for Oral History Research.
Regents of the University of California, UCLA Library.
Childhood in Evanston, Illinois; attends UCLA; transfers to Agnes Scott College; employed as a social worker for the Federal Emergency Relief Administration's Atlanta Transient Bureau; positions with the Works Progress Administration (WPA); memories of the Depression and the New Deal; studies librarianship at University of Southern California and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; catalogs at the Columbia Theological Seminary library; enlists in the United States Army Library Service; serves as post librarian at Aberdeen Proving Ground; hired as cataloger at Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, Virginia; Robert G. Vosper offers Ackerman a job at UCLA; involvement in professional organizations; organizing the School of Social Welfare library at UCLA; the Library Staff Association; Lawrence Clark Powell; the American Library Association; joins the California State Employees Association (CSEA); Andrew H. Horn; appointed assistant university librarian for budget, personnel, and branches; acquisitions for the branch libraries; the library budget; restructuring personnel classifications and raising the salary scale for librarians; Vosper's push to gain faculty status for librarians; the impact of the Master Plan for Higher Education in the State of California, 1960-1975; CSEA sues the University of California Board of Regents; librarianship as a "women's profession"; Paul M. Miles; library expansion creates space and staffing problems; planning to build a research library; impact of the University Research Library on the branch libraries; coping with budget cuts of the sixties; Franklin D. Murphy; creation of the Library Task Force; sharing library resources with other University of California campuses; Vosper steps down as university librarian; library staff discontent and the Lademann Report; creating the library administrative network; James R. Cox; discrimination issues in the library; Ackerman becomes university librarian; enhancing library automation; Charles J. Hitch and the budget crisis of 1971-72; Ackerman retires; Russell M. Shank becomes university librarian; the Management Review and Analysis Program; the possibility of institutional discrimination against women; Charles E. Young's support of the library; selecting OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) as a database system for the library; development of the Graduate School of Library and Information Service; teaching responsibilities; decline of public school libraries in California; involvement in the Association of College and Research Libraries; consulting activities at other university libraries.