Oral Histories

Interview of Mimi Perloff

Co-founder of the UCLA educational outreach program Design for Sharing and staff member at the UCLA Center for Performing Arts.
You Can Have It All
Interviews not in a series, part one
UCLA and University of California History
UCLA Performing Arts Staff
Biographical Note:
Co-founder of the UCLA educational outreach program Design for Sharing and staff member at the UCLA Center for Performing Arts.
Barnett, Teresa
Perloff, Mimi
Supporting Documents:
Records relating to the interview are located in the office of the UCLA Library's Center for Oral History Research.
Regents of the University of California, UCLA Library.
Childhood in New York City; attends Hunter College and the Juilliard School; marries Harvey S. Perloff; runs a branch of the Perloff family wholesale food business; starts a secretarial business in Washington, D.C.; Harvey Perloff's international consulting and community activism; involvement in the Democratic Party; opposition to the Vietnam War; involvement in various arts organizations; moves to Los Angeles; Harvey Perloff becomes dean of UCLA's Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning; Franklin D. Murphy's contributions to UCLA; the origins of UCLA's Design for Sharing; Frances Inglis; Blanche Witherspoon; relations with UCLA administration, alumni, and faculty; Edmond G. Harris; hosting free summer concerts; Performances in Schools program; obtaining grants and sponsors for performances; the My Special World program; soliciting members for Design for Sharing; fund-raising events; the Office of Planned Giving and the UCLA Foundation; women and volunteer work; other public service activities.