This series had its origin in a grant from the University of California Water resources Center in 1965. The project was a joint effort by the UCLA Oral History Program and the Regional Oral History Office, University of California, Berkeley. For some years after the close of the grant period, l...
Biographical Note:
Vice president and chief engineer of the Southern California Water Company.
This series had its origin in a grant from the University of California Water resources Center in 1965. The project was a joint effort by the UCLA Oral History Program and the Regional Oral History Office, University of California, Berkeley. For some years after the close of the grant period, l...
Biographical Note:
Irrigation engineer for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. UCLA research associate in the Department of Irrigation Research and Soil Science.
This series had its origin in a grant from the University of California Water resources Center in 1965. The project was a joint effort by the UCLA Oral History Program and the Regional Oral History Office, University of California, Berkeley. For some years after the close of the grant period, l...
Biographical Note:
District engineer for the California State Department of Water Resources.
Interviews in this series were initiated by the Los Angeles Regional Planning History Group to ensure the preservation of recollections of pioneer planners in both the public and private sectors in the Los Angeles region.
Biographical Note:
Member of the Los Angeles City Planning Commission.
Interviews in this series were initiated by the Los Angeles Regional Planning History Group to ensure the preservation of recollections of pioneer planners in both the public and private sectors in the Los Angeles region.
Biographical Note:
Director of planning for the Los Angeles County Regional Planning Commission.
University of California, Berkeley professor of citriculture and superintendent of the Citrus Experiment Station. Founder of Coit Agricultural Service.
This series had its origin in a grant from the University of California Water resources Center in 1965. The project was a joint effort by the UCLA Oral History Program and the Regional Oral History Office, University of California, Berkeley. For some years after the close of the grant period, l...
Biographical Note:
Hydraulic engineer and chief for the California State Division of Water Rights.
This series had its origin in a grant from the University of California Water resources Center in 1965. The project was a joint effort by the UCLA Oral History Program and the Regional Oral History Office, University of California, Berkeley. For some years after the close of the grant period, l...
Biographical Note:
General manager and chief engineer for the construction of the Colorado River Aqueduct. Representative for the city of Pasadena on the board of directors of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.
This series made possible by a grant from the Division of Water, Los Angeles City Department of Water and Power, complements the earlier University of California series “Oral History of California Water Resources Development."
Biographical Note:
Employee of the Office of the City Attorney for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.
This series had its origin in a grant from the University of California Water resources Center in 1965. The project was a joint effort by the UCLA Oral History Program and the Regional Oral History Office, University of California, Berkeley. For some years after the close of the grant period, l...
Biographical Note:
Assistant district engineer for the California State Department of Water Resources and engineering consultant for Bookman and Edmonston.
Interviews in this series were initiated by the Los Angeles Regional Planning History Group to ensure the preservation of recollections of pioneer planners in both the public and private sectors in the Los Angeles region.
Biographical Note:
Planning architect for the Los Angeles City Planning Department. Private consultant for Eisner and Associates and Eisner-Smith and Associates.
This series had its origin in a grant from the University of California Water resources Center in 1965. The project was a joint effort by the UCLA Oral History Program and the Regional Oral History Office, University of California, Berkeley. For some years after the close of the grant period, l...
Biographical Note:
Chief hydrographic engineer for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.