301. Interview of Frances Clarke Sayers Topic: UCLA and University of California History UCLA Librarians Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Children's librarian, author of children's books, and senior lecturer in the UCLA Department of English.
302. Interview of Donald E. Hartsock Topic: UCLA and University of California History UCLA Administration Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: UCLA’s first ombudsman and university pastor.
303. Interview of Patricia Altman Topic: UCLA and University of California History UCLA Museum Staff Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Co-owner of Altman Antiques and curator of the UCLA Fowler Museum.
304. Interview of William Gould Young Topic: UCLA and University of California History Science, Medicine, and Technology UCLA Administration UCLA Faculty Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: UCLA vice-chancellor for planning, professor of chemistry, and dean of the UCLA College of Physical Sciences.
305. Interview of Bennet Mills Allen Topic: UCLA and University of California History Science, Medicine, and Technology UCLA Faculty Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Chair of the UCLA Department of Zoology.
306. Interview of Margaret G. Kivelson Topic: UCLA and University of California History Science, Medicine, and Technology UCLA Faculty Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: UCLA professor of space physics.
307. Interview of Norman P. Miller (1988) Topic: Sports UCLA and University of California History UCLA Administration Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: UCLA’s first vice chancellor of student and campus affairs and coordinator of UCLA’s involvement in the 1984 Olympic Games.
308. Interview of Page Ackerman Topic: UCLA and University of California History UCLA Librarians Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: UCLA university librarian and UCLA professor of library and information science.
309. Interview of Norah Jones Topic: UCLA and University of California History UCLA Librarians Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Head of the UCLA College Library and head of the UCLA Library technical services department.
310. Interview of Ralph Palmer Merritt Topic: UCLA and University of California History UC Regents UC Regents Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Member of the University of California Regents and project director at Manzanar during World War II.