Research manager for the ARPANET project, which developed an experimental computer network, a precursor to the internet. Co-founder of GTE Telenet, an early packet switch service company.
Researcher for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), an agency of the government that develops technology for the military. UCLA adjunct professor of computer science.
Member of the ARPANET project, which developed an experimental computer network, a precursor to the internet. Member of the Internet Working Group (IWG), which developed TCP/IP.
Women’s Activist Lives in Los Angeles is a series of interviews done by graduate research assistants under the auspices of UCLA’s Center for the Study of Women. The series addresses the diverse ways in which women’s social movement activities affected public policy and transformed civic institut...
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of anthropology, chair of gender studies, co-chair of Islamic studies, and co-director of the UCLA Center for Near Eastern Studies. Co-founder and co-editor of the Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies.
These interviews were undertaken with the intention of documenting the rise of Asian American studies at UCLA and the founding of the Asian American Studies Center. However, shortly after this series was begun, the UCLA Asian American Studies Center undertook its own oral history project to docum...
Biographical Note:
Los Angeles attorney. As a student at UCLA was involved in the drive for ethnic studies and the establishment of the UCLA Asian American Studies Center.