This series was made possible by support from the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute and Hospital and documents the history of that institution.
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of psychiatry and bio-behavioral sciences. Director of the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute’s Division of Mental Retardation and Child Psychiatry.
Interviews is this series are designed to preserve the spoken memories of individuals who were instrumental in developing the UCLA Women's Studies Program, established in 1975.
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of psychology. Involved in the founding of the UCLA Women’s Studies Program and the UCLA Center for the Study of Women.
Interviews is this series are designed to preserve the spoken memories of individuals who were instrumental in developing the UCLA Women's Studies Program, established in 1975.
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of psychology and director of the UCLA Women’s Studies Program.
Interviews is this series are designed to preserve the spoken memories of individuals who were instrumental in developing the UCLA Women's Studies Program, established in 1975.
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of English. Involved in the founding of the UCLA Women’s Studies Program and the UCLA Center for the Study of Women.
Interviews is this series are designed to preserve the spoken memories of individuals who were instrumental in developing the UCLA Women's Studies Program, established in 1975.
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of education. Involved in the founding of the UCLA Women’s Studies Program and the UCLA Center for the Study of Women.
Interviews is this series are designed to preserve the spoken memories of individuals who were instrumental in developing the UCLA Women's Studies Program, established in 1975.
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of history. Involved in the founding of the UCLA Women’s Studies Program and the UCLA Center for the Study of Women. Later professor of history at Binghamton University.
Interviews is this series are designed to preserve the spoken memories of individuals who were instrumental in developing the UCLA Women's Studies Program, established in 1975.
Biographical Note:
UCLA assistant professor of history. Involved in the founding of the UCLA Women’s Studies Program. Later professor of history at Rutgers University.
Interviews is this series are designed to preserve the spoken memories of individuals who were instrumental in developing the UCLA Women's Studies Program, established in 1975.
Biographical Note:
UCLA lecturer in history and director of the UCLA Women’s Studies Program. Later professor of gender and women’s studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Interviewees in this series were actively involved in American Indian studies from the late sixties to the present time. The series is designed to document the development of American Indian studies, the American Indian Studies Center, and the American Indian Studies Interdepartmental Program at ...
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of history involved with the UCLA American Indian Studies Center.
Interviewees in this series were actively involved in American Indian studies from the late sixties to the present time. The series is designed to document the development of American Indian studies, the American Indian Studies Center, and the American Indian Studies Interdepartmental Program at ...
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of anthropology involved with the UCLA American Indian Studies Center.
Interviewees in this series were actively involved in American Indian studies from the late sixties to the present time. The series is designed to document the development of American Indian studies, the American Indian Studies Center, and the American Indian Studies Interdepartmental Program at ...
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of history involved with the UCLA American Indian Studies Center.
Interviews is this series are designed to preserve the spoken memories of individuals who were instrumental in developing the UCLA Women's Studies Program, established in 1975.
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of sociology and director of the UCLA Asian American Studies Center. Involved in the founding of the UCLA Women’s Studies Program.
Interviews in this series include individuals who were instrumental in creating and guiding the Center for African American Studies at UCLA to a position of widely recognized excellence among the nation's African American studies departments, centers, and institutes.
Biographical Note:
UCLA assistant professor of labor economics and founding director of the UCLA Bunche Center for African American Studies. Later professor of economics at Loyola Marymount University.
Interviewees in this series were actively involved in American Indian studies from the late sixties to the present time. The series is designed to document the development of American Indian studies, the American Indian Studies Center, and the American Indian Studies Interdepartmental Program at ...
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of English involved with the UCLA American Indian Studies Center.
This series was made possible by support from the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute and Hospital and documents the history of that institution.
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of psychiatry and bio-behavioral sciences. Head of the UCLA Department of Psychology’s Division of Child Psychiatry, a division of the Neuropsychiatric Institute.
This series documents the history of UCLA's Institute of Ethnomusicology, which was founded in 1961 and dissolved in 1974.
Biographical Note:
Performer of Balinese and Javanese music and director of the ethnomusicology program at Loyola Marymount University. Graduate student in ethnomusicology during her time at UCLA.
This series documents the founding and early development of UCLA's Center for Near Eastern Studies.
Biographical Note:
Founding chair of the UCLA Department of Near Eastern Languages. Instrumental in establishing the Department of Near Eastern Languages and the Gustave E. von Grunebaum Center for Near East Studies.
Interviewees in this series were actively involved in American Indian studies from the late sixties to the present time. The series is designed to document the development of American Indian studies, the American Indian Studies Center, and the American Indian Studies Interdepartmental Program at ...
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of sociology and director of the American Indian Studies Center.
Interviewees in this series were actively involved in American Indian studies from the late sixties to the present time. The series is designed to document the development of American Indian studies, the American Indian Studies Center, and the American Indian Studies Interdepartmental Program at ...
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of law involved with the UCLA American Indian Studies Center.
Interviews in this series include individuals who were instrumental in creating and guiding the Center for African American Studies at UCLA to a position of widely recognized excellence among the nation's African American studies departments, centers, and institutes.
Biographical Note:
Managing partner of the law firm Bobbitt & Roberts and president of Solar Records. Involved in the founding of the UCLA Bunche Center for African American Studies.
Interviews in this series include individuals who were instrumental in creating and guiding the Center for African American Studies at UCLA to a position of widely recognized excellence among the nation's African American studies departments, centers, and institutes.
Biographical Note:
California State University, Long Beach, professor of Africana studies. Co-founder of the US Organization. Involved in the founding of the UCLA Bunche Center for African American Studies.
Interviews in this series include individuals who were instrumental in creating and guiding the Center for African American Studies at UCLA to a position of widely recognized excellence among the nation's African American studies departments, centers, and institutes.
Biographical Note:
UCLA director of minority recruitment. Involved in the founding of the UCLA Bunche Center for African American Studies.
These interviews were undertaken with the intention of documenting the rise of Asian American studies at UCLA and the founding of the Asian American Studies Center. However, shortly after this series was begun, the UCLA Asian American Studies Center undertook its own oral history project to docum...
Biographical Note:
Los Angeles attorney. As a student at UCLA was involved in the drive for ethnic studies and the establishment of the UCLA Asian American Studies Center.
These interviews were undertaken with the intention of documenting the rise of Asian American studies at UCLA and the founding of the Asian American Studies Center. However, shortly after this series was begun, the UCLA Asian American Studies Center undertook its own oral history project to docum...
Biographical Note:
Administrative assistant and first full-time staff member at the UCLA Asian American Studies Center.
Program manager and office director for the ARPANET project, which developed an experimental computer network, a precursor to the internet. Engineer and founder of Telenet, a packet data communications carrier.
Researcher for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) an agency of the government that develops technology for the military. Vice-president of engineering at the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC).
Member of Project Mac, a time-sharing systems project funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), an agency of the government that develops technology for the military.
Inventor of ALOHAnet, a project that created a wireless radio packet switched network which was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) an agency of the government that develops technology for the military.
Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) an agency of the government that develops technology for the military during a time of expansion of the ARPANET project, which developed an experimental computer network, a precursor to the internet.
Member of the ARPANET project, which developed an experimental computer network, a precursor to the internet. Director of the Stanford Computation Center and co-founder of IntelliCorp and Teknowledge.