1. Faculty Center Topic: UCLA and University of California History UCLA Administration Language: English Audio:
2. Interview of Lulu Wolf Hassenplug Topic: UCLA and University of California History Science, Medicine, and Technology UCLA Faculty UCLA Administration Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Dean of the UCLA School of Nursing.
3. Interview of Judith Murphy Topic: UCLA and University of California History UCLA Administration Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Wife of UCLA Chancellor Franklin D. Murphy.
4. Interview of David S. Saxon (1994) Topic: UCLA and University of California History UCLA Administration UCLA Faculty Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: UCLA professor of physics and president of the University of California.
5. Interview of Franklin P. Rolfe Topic: UCLA and University of California History UCLA Faculty UCLA Administration Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: UCLA professor of English and dean of the UCLA College of Letters and Science.
6. Interview of Andrew J. Hamilton (1966) Topic: UCLA and University of California History UCLA Administration Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: UCLA public information manager and public affairs officer.
7. Interview of Hansena Frederickson (1969) Topic: UCLA and University of California History UCLA Administration Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: UCLA executive secretary to the chancellor.
8. Interview of Neil H. Jacoby (1970) Topic: UCLA and University of California History UCLA Administration UCLA Faculty Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Dean of the UCLA Graduate School of Management and member of the U.S. Council of Economic Advisors.
9. Interview of Gustave O. Arlt (1978) Topic: UCLA and University of California History UCLA Administration UCLA Faculty Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: UCLA professor of German literature and language, founder of the UCLA Department of Theater Arts, and dean of the UCLA Graduate Division.
10. Interview of Ann Sumner (1982) Topic: UCLA and University of California History UCLA Administration Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Chief publicist for University Extension and active UCLA alumna.