Inventor of ALOHAnet, a project that created a wireless radio packet switched network which was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) an agency of the government that develops technology for the military.
Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) an agency of the government that develops technology for the military during a time of expansion of the ARPANET project, which developed an experimental computer network, a precursor to the internet.
Interviewees in this series were actively involved in American Indian studies from the late sixties to the present time. The series is designed to document the development of American Indian studies, the American Indian Studies Center, and the American Indian Studies Interdepartmental Program at ...
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of English involved with the UCLA American Indian Studies Center.
Interviewees in this series were actively involved in American Indian studies from the late sixties to the present time. The series is designed to document the development of American Indian studies, the American Indian Studies Center, and the American Indian Studies Interdepartmental Program at ...
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of anthropology involved with the UCLA American Indian Studies Center.
Interviewees in this series were actively involved in American Indian studies from the late sixties to the present time. The series is designed to document the development of American Indian studies, the American Indian Studies Center, and the American Indian Studies Interdepartmental Program at ...
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of history involved with the UCLA American Indian Studies Center.
Interviewees in this series were actively involved in American Indian studies from the late sixties to the present time. The series is designed to document the development of American Indian studies, the American Indian Studies Center, and the American Indian Studies Interdepartmental Program at ...
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of sociology and director of the American Indian Studies Center.
Interviewees in this series were actively involved in American Indian studies from the late sixties to the present time. The series is designed to document the development of American Indian studies, the American Indian Studies Center, and the American Indian Studies Interdepartmental Program at ...
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of law involved with the UCLA American Indian Studies Center.
Interviewees in this series were actively involved in American Indian studies from the late sixties to the present time. The series is designed to document the development of American Indian studies, the American Indian Studies Center, and the American Indian Studies Interdepartmental Program at ...
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of history involved with the UCLA American Indian Studies Center.
These interviews were undertaken with the intention of documenting the rise of Asian American studies at UCLA and the founding of the Asian American Studies Center. However, shortly after this series was begun, the UCLA Asian American Studies Center undertook its own oral history project to docum...
Biographical Note:
Administrative assistant and first full-time staff member at the UCLA Asian American Studies Center.