The Community-Engaged Theater in Los Angeles series seeks to document the work of a grouping of theater companies in Los Angeles whose mission combines an artistic focus with explicit attention to social justice and community building. The companies included use a working method that seeks creati...
Biographical Note:
Artistic director of Watts Village Theater Company (WVTC), which collaborates with its community to produce work focused around pertinent social issues. Faculty at California State University, Northridge.
The Community-Engaged Theater in Los Angeles series seeks to document the work of a grouping of theater companies in Los Angeles whose mission combines an artistic focus with explicit attention to social justice and community building. The companies included use a working method that seeks creati...
Biographical Note:
Manager of Center Theatre Group's community programs. Founder and creative artistic director of the creative center East LA Rep. Los Angeles County arts commissioner representing the first district.
The Community-Engaged Theater in Los Angeles series seeks to document the work of a grouping of theater companies in Los Angeles whose mission combines an artistic focus with explicit attention to social justice and community building. The companies included use a working method that seeks creati...
Biographical Note:
Associate director of the performance group and non-profit arts organization, the Los Angeles Poverty Department.
The Community-Engaged Theater in Los Angeles series seeks to document the work of a grouping of theater companies in Los Angeles whose mission combines an artistic focus with explicit attention to social justice and community building. The companies included use a working method that seeks creati...
Biographical Note:
Founding artistic director of the performance group and non-profit arts organization the Los Angeles Poverty Department.
The Community-Engaged Theater in Los Angeles series seeks to document the work of a grouping of theater companies in Los Angeles whose mission combines an artistic focus with explicit attention to social justice and community building. The companies included use a working method that seeks creati...
Biographical Note:
Member of the Cornerstone Theater Company ensemble. Puppeteer and costume and set designer.
The interviews in the series Arts in Corrections: Interviews with Participants in California Department of Corrections' Institutional Arts Program document the stories of formerly incarcerated artists, professional artists, and administrators who participated in the Arts-in-Corrections program. A...
Biographical Note:
Painter and actor, member of the Advisory Board of the Poetic Justice Project and part of the Arts-in-Corrections program during incarceration.
The interviews in the series Arts in Corrections: Interviews with Participants in California Department of Corrections' Institutional Arts Program document the stories of formerly incarcerated artists, professional artists, and administrators who participated in the Arts-in-Corrections program. A...
Biographical Note:
Writer, poet, educator, and founding Artistic Director of the Poetic Justice Project.
The interviews in the series Arts in Corrections: Interviews with Participants in California Department of Corrections' Institutional Arts Program document the stories of formerly incarcerated artists, professional artists, and administrators who participated in the Arts-in-Corrections program. A...
Biographical Note:
Writer and actor with the Poetic Justice Project. Former member of the Arts-in-Corrections program while incarcerated.
The interviews in the series Arts in Corrections: Interviews with Participants in California Department of Corrections' Institutional Arts Program document the stories of formerly incarcerated artists, professional artists, and administrators who participated in the Arts-in-Corrections program. A...
Biographical Note:
Executive director of the William James Association. Advocate for legislative support to reinstate arts programming in correctional institutions.
The interviews in the series Arts in Corrections: Interviews with Participants in California Department of Corrections' Institutional Arts Program document the stories of formerly incarcerated artists, professional artists, and administrators who participated in the Arts-in-Corrections program. A...
Biographical Note:
Project manager of the Prison Arts Project and director of William James Association.
The interviews in the series Arts in Corrections: Interviews with Participants in California Department of Corrections' Institutional Arts Program document the stories of formerly incarcerated artists, professional artists, and administrators who participated in the Arts-in-Corrections program. A...
Biographical Note:
Writer and teacher for the Arts-in-Corrections program, developer of Manual For Artists Working in Prison, and editor of Memo Arts.
The Community-Engaged Theater in Los Angeles series seeks to document the work of a grouping of theater companies in Los Angeles whose mission combines an artistic focus with explicit attention to social justice and community building. The companies included use a working method that seeks creati...
Biographical Note:
Member of the Cornerstone Theater Company ensemble. Actor, director, and playwright.
This series documents the founding and early history of the Pasadena Playhouse.
Biographical Note:
Stage, film, and television actress. Performer at the Pasadena Playhouse and wife of co-founder, executive vice president, and manager Charles Prickett.