This project is designed to document the lives of Negro League baseball players whose careers spanned the heyday of the league (1920s-1950s) and who grew up in Southern California, who played in the West Coast Professional Baseball League or the California Winter League, or who eventually migrate...
Biographical Note:
Member of the American Negro League. Shortstop for the Kansas City Monarchs.
This project is designed to document the lives of Negro League baseball players whose careers spanned the heyday of the league (1920s-1950s) and who grew up in Southern California, who played in the West Coast Professional Baseball League or the California Winter League, or who eventually migrate...
This project is designed to document the lives of Negro League baseball players whose careers spanned the heyday of the league (1920s-1950s) and who grew up in Southern California, who played in the West Coast Professional Baseball League or the California Winter League, or who eventually migrate...
Biographical Note:
Member of the American Negro League. Player for the Indianapolis Clowns.
Purpose Served: An Oral History of the Exemplary Life of Arthur Ashe, 1943-1993 is an initiative of the Arthur Ashe Legacy Fund (AALF) at UCLA and is funded by AALF and by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. By launching an oral history project to document and capture the firsthand recollections of ...
Biographical Note:
Interviewed because of connection to tennis player Arthur Ashe. Dowdell ran Arthur Ashe’s youth tennis program in the late 80s and 90s.
Purpose Served: An Oral History of the Exemplary Life of Arthur Ashe, 1943-1993 is an initiative of the Arthur Ashe Legacy Fund (AALF) at UCLA and is funded by AALF and by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. By launching an oral history project to document and capture the firsthand recollections of ...
Biographical Note:
Interviewed because of connection to tennis player Arthur Ashe. He was one of Ashe’s closest friends. He and Ashe met in the sixties during their childhood playing in tennis tournaments. Dell later became the captain of the Davis Cup team in 1968 and recruited Ashe to the team. When Dell left as ...