Co-founding officer of the Coalition of Labor Union Women and president of the United Public Workers Local 246. General manager for GM at Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 434.
These interviews were conducted by UCLA professor Karen Brodkin and are part of a larger study of a cohort of labor and immigrant worker organizers in Los Angeles who began their activism in the latter 1990s. The interviews deal with the life paths that led interviewees to full-time activism and...
These interviews were conducted by UCLA professor Karen Brodkin and are part of a larger study of a cohort of labor and immigrant worker organizers in Los Angeles who began their activism in the latter 1990s. The interviews deal with the life paths that led interviewees to full-time activism and...
These interviews were conducted by Constance Coiner, a faculty member at SUNY Binghampton and a former graduate student at UCLA, as background for her book Better Red: The Writing and Resistance of Tillie Olsen and Meridel Le Sueur. They were donated to UCLA after her death by her husband, Stephe...
Biographical Note:
Daughter of leftist novelist and journalist Meridel Le Sueur.
These interviews were conducted by Constance Coiner, a faculty member at SUNY Binghampton and a former graduate student at UCLA, as background for her book Better Red: The Writing and Resistance of Tillie Olsen and Meridel Le Sueur. They were donated to UCLA after her death by her husband, Stephe...
These interviews were conducted by Constance Coiner, a faculty member at SUNY Binghampton and a former graduate student at UCLA, as background for her book Better Red: The Writing and Resistance of Tillie Olsen and Meridel Le Sueur. They were donated to UCLA after her death by her husband, Stephe...
These interviews were conducted by Constance Coiner, a faculty member at SUNY Binghampton and a former graduate student at UCLA, as background for her book Better Red: The Writing and Resistance of Tillie Olsen and Meridel Le Sueur. They were donated to UCLA after her death by her husband, Stephe...
These interviews were conducted by Constance Coiner, a faculty member at SUNY Binghampton and a former graduate student at UCLA, as background for her book Better Red: The Writing and Resistance of Tillie Olsen and Meridel Le Sueur. They were donated to UCLA after her death by her husband, Stephe...
These interviews were conducted by Constance Coiner, a faculty member at SUNY Binghampton and a former graduate student at UCLA, as background for her book Better Red: The Writing and Resistance of Tillie Olsen and Meridel Le Sueur. They were donated to UCLA after her death by her husband, Stephe...
Biographical Note:
Member of the Communist Party and the Independent Progressive Party. Organizer for the Office and Professional Employees Union and the Utility Workers Organizing Committee of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO).