Interviews in this series preserve the recollections of selected individuals in Los Angeles who were affected by the Hollywood blacklist during the Joseph R. McCarthy-J. Edgar Hoover era.
Biographical Note:
Film and television producer. Known for breaking the post-World War II Hollywood blacklist with the production of Spartacus.
Interviews in this series preserve the recollections of selected individuals in Los Angeles who were affected by the Hollywood blacklist during the Joseph R. McCarthy-J. Edgar Hoover era.
Biographical Note:
Novelist and screenwriter. One of the Hollywood Ten, who were imprisoned and blacklisted in the post-World War II Hollywood blacklist.
U.S. senator from 1943 to 1955 and 38th district California State Assembly member from 1936 to 1942. Head of the California Senate Factfinding Subcommittee on Un-American Activities ("Tenney Committee") and leader of anti-communist investigations.
Interviews in this series preserve the recollections of selected individuals in Los Angeles who were affected by the Hollywood blacklist during the Joseph R. McCarthy-J. Edgar Hoover era.
Biographical Note:
Son of the screen and television writer Dalton Trumbo, who was one of the Hollywood Ten, who were imprisoned and blacklisted in the post-World War II Hollywood blacklist.