This series includes interviews with prominent Los Angeles-based visual artists and other members of the art establishment whose careers span the period from the 1920s through the 1970s. It documents the art community of the pre-World War II period and the rise of Los Angeles as a nationally rec...
Biographical Note:
Painter and educator known for lithography and Japanese-style sumi. Teacher at the Chouinard Art Institute and Otis College of Art and Design.”
Interviews is this series are designed to preserve the spoken memories of individuals who were instrumental in developing the UCLA Women's Studies Program, established in 1975.
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of sociology and director of the UCLA Asian American Studies Center. Involved in the founding of the UCLA Women’s Studies Program.
The Many Branches, One Root series traces the histories and practices of a range of Buddhist traditions and communities in the greater Los Angeles area. Beginning in the early twentieth century, a succession of Buddhist traditions have put down roots in Los Angeles, each one providing spiritual s...
Biographical Note:
Shingon Buddhist monk. Leading teacher of mindfulness and a pioneer in studying the intersection of meditation and neuroscience.