The interviews in this series document the ideological transformation of the Chicana and Chicano generation in Los Angeles. Dissatisfied with their position in U.S. society, Chicana and Chicano activists built a civil rights movement from the ground up. Interviewees were selected based on their e...
Biographical Note:
Minister of finance and correspondence of the Brown Beret organization's founding chapter. Administrator of El Barrio Free Clinic and member of the National Chicano Moratorium Committee.
The Craft and Folk Art Museum (CAFAM), founded in Los Angeles by Edith and Frank Wyle, grew out of The Egg and The Eye, a commercial art gallery/restaurant devoted to international contemporary craft and folk art—and (in the restaurant) omelettes. The gallery opened November 1, 1965 at 5814 Wilsh...
Biographical Note:
Craft and Folk Art Museum Research Library Administrative Assistant and Registrar’s Assistant in eighties and early nineties. Craft and Folk Art Museum Shop Assistant and Co-Manager 1989-90.
The series documents environmental activism in the Los Angeles area from the 1970s through to the present day. The majority of interviews are with either founders or knowledgeable participants in major regional environmental organizations. Represented groups embody a wide range of issues, includi...
Biographical Note:
Founder of Los Angeles Eco-Village. Executive director of Cooperative Resources and Services Project.
This series contains reminiscences of individuals who knew University of California Regent Edward A. Dickson.
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of German literature and language, founder of the UCLA Department of Theater Arts, and dean of the UCLA Graduate Division. Interviewed because of connection to UCLA Regent Edward A. Dickson.
Chemical Entanglements: Oral Histories of Environmental Illness is a collection of interviews with over seventy individuals living in the U.S. and Canada whose family history, occupation, art practice, or activism have brought them into direct contact with illness experience and disability relate...
Biographical Note:
Interviewed for the UCLA Center for the Study of Women’s Chemical Entanglements: Oral Histories of Environmental Illness series. Born in Montreal, Canada, Solona is a software developer who is living with MCS and is extremely avoidant to mold. Solona has written to government officials and partic...
Since its inception the Oral History Program has received a number of donated interviews. In some instances these interviews, which in the aggregate form Collection 2113 in the Department of Special Collections, have been transcribed but not edited; in other cases they remain as audiotape recordi...
The purpose of this series is to document the social justice activism of the Mexican American generation and to explore family and community life in war-time Los Angeles. Individuals selected for this series resided in Los Angeles during the 1930s and 1940s and began their civic participation pri...
Biographical Note:
Executive Director of the Latin American Civic Association and member of the United Automobile Workers union. Director of community and government relations at Options for Youth, an independent study charter school program.
Interviews in this series, sponsored by the Pew Charitable Trusts, document the research of "outstanding scientists from quality institutions" chosen by the Pew Scholars Program to receive four-year stipends.
Women’s Activist Lives in Los Angeles is a series of interviews done by graduate research assistants under the auspices of UCLA’s Center for the Study of Women. The series addresses the diverse ways in which women’s social movement activities affected public policy and transformed civic institut...
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of higher education and senior scholar at the UCLA Higher Education Research Institute.
Interviews is this series are designed to preserve the spoken memories of individuals who were instrumental in developing the UCLA Women's Studies Program, established in 1975.
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of education. Involved in the founding of the UCLA Women’s Studies Program and the UCLA Center for the Study of Women.
This series documents the contribution of UCLA Athletics Coach J.D. Morgan through interviews with individuals who had worked with Morgan both inside and outside the UCLA community.
Biographical Note:
UCLA dean of students and athletic director. Interviewed because of connection to J.D. Morgan, UCLA tennis coach and athletic director.
These interviews with prominent individuals in the motion picture industry were completed under a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Film Institute to the UCLA Department of Theater Arts. The project was directed by Howard Suber, UCLA Department of Theater Arts....
The Community-Engaged Theater in Los Angeles series seeks to document the work of a grouping of theater companies in Los Angeles whose mission combines an artistic focus with explicit attention to social justice and community building. The companies included use a working method that seeks creati...
Biographical Note:
Artistic director of Watts Village Theater Company (WVTC), which collaborates with its community to produce work focused around pertinent social issues. Faculty at California State University, Northridge.
These interviews were conducted by Constance Coiner, a faculty member at SUNY Binghampton and a former graduate student at UCLA, as background for her book Better Red: The Writing and Resistance of Tillie Olsen and Meridel Le Sueur. They were donated to UCLA after her death by her husband, Stephe...
Biographical Note:
Member of the Communist Party. Served with the Republican forces of the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War.
Interviews in this series document the experiences and activities of student leaders at UCLA beginning in 1919, when the institution was named University of California, Southern Branch, and moving forward into the 1930s. This series was funded in part by Associated Students UCLA (ASUCLA).
This series was conducted and funded by Gold Shield Alumnae of UCLA. Its interviews with business owners, members of the Westwood community, and early UCLA campus leaders tell the story of UCLA’s move to Westwood in 1929 and describe the early history of Westwood Village.
Interviews in this series were undertaken by the UCLA Oral History Program under the auspices of the California State Archives and in conjunction with the California State University, Fullerton, Oral History Program; California State University, Sacramento, Center for California Studies Oral Hist...
Biographical Note:
California assembly member from 1958 to 1964 and 1974 to 1989. Assistant speaker pro tempore from 1975 to 1985.
The interviews in the series African American Architects of Los Angeles document the work of selected African American architects who have enhanced the built environment, principally in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. Influenced by earlier pioneers such as Paul R. Williams, these individuals ...
Biographical Note:
African American architect who designed homes and churches in Los Angeles, including Chapel of Faith Baptist Church, Greater Life Missionary Baptist Church, and Greater New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church.
Interviews in this series, sponsored by the Pew Charitable Trusts, document the research of "outstanding scientists from quality institutions" chosen by the Pew Scholars Program to receive four-year stipends.
The Ralph Edwards Productions series seeks to document the history of the Ralph Edwards Productions company by interviewing persons who had worked closely with Ralph Edwards in the early years of the company. Ralph Edwards Productions produced This is Your Life, as well as Truth or Consequences, ...
Biographical Note:
Host of the Ralph Edwards Productions program “Truth or Consequences,” and of the game show “The Price is Right.” Animal rights activist.
Interviews in this series, sponsored by the Pew Charitable Trusts, document the research of "outstanding scientists from quality institutions" chosen by the Pew Scholars Program to receive four-year stipends.
This series documents the Justice for Janitors movement in Los Angeles from the 1980s through the early 2000s. Justice for Janitors is a labor organization of the Service Employees International Union that has historically sought to improve the working conditions and bargaining power of workers ...
Biographical Note:
Involved in the Service Employees International Union’s Justice for Janitors campaign.
This series of interviews was undertaken in collaboration with the Art Directors Guild. Its aim is to document the lives and work of Guild members and staff who have made a significant contribution to film and television history. Interviews capture the work of title artists, set designers, art di...
Biographical Note:
Production designer with credits that include Lost in Translation, Her, and Where the Wild Things Are.
Interviews in this series, sponsored by the Pew Charitable Trusts, document the research of "outstanding scientists from quality institutions" chosen by the Pew Scholars Program to receive four-year stipends.
The series documents environmental activism in the Los Angeles area from the 1970s through to the present day. The majority of interviews are with either founders or knowledgeable participants in major regional environmental organizations. Represented groups embody a wide range of issues, includi...
Biographical Note:
Outreach coordinator for the South Bay Center for Counseling. Activist in the area of port pollution and clean air and member of the Community Partners Council and Cesar Chavez Mother's Brigade.
This series documents long-term and multigenerational business ownership in the black community through oral history interviews with owners of businesses located in Los Angeles County. The title is inspired by Martin Luther King, Jr.'s last book, Where Do We Go From Here? Chaos or Community, whic...
Interviews in this series were made possible by support from the UCLA Center for African American Studies, Institute of American Cultures. This is the first of several Oral History Program series focusing on social, cultural, economic, and political aspects of African American citizens in the Lo...
Biographical Note:
Co-founder, director, and chair of Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Company, one of the largest Black-owned insurance companies in the United States.
The interviews in this series document the ideological transformation of the Chicana and Chicano generation in Los Angeles. Dissatisfied with their position in U.S. society, Chicana and Chicano activists built a civil rights movement from the ground up. Interviewees were selected based on their e...
Biographical Note:
Co-founder of the Brown Berets who protested against unfair conditions in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Founder of the cultural nationalist group, La Junta.
Interviews in this series were undertaken by the UCLA Oral History Program under the auspices of the California State Archives and in conjunction with the California State University, Fullerton, Oral History Program; California State University, Sacramento, Center for California Studies Oral Hist...
Biographical Note:
California assembly member from 1943 to 1953. Legislative secretary for Governor Edmund G. Brown, Sr. in 1958. Appointee to the Superior Court bench in San Fernando from 1959 to 1975.
Interviews in this series were undertaken by the UCLA Oral History Program under the auspices of the California State Archives and in conjunction with the California State University, Fullerton, Oral History Program; California State University, Sacramento, Center for California Studies Oral Hist...
Biographical Note:
California assembly member from 1963 to 1967, California senator from 1967 to 1976, and member of the U.S. House of Representatives in California from 1977 to 1997.
59th District California State Assembly member from 1963 to 1967. California senator from 1967 to 1976. Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1977 to 1997.
Researcher for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) an agency of the government that develops technology for the military. Vice-president of engineering at the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC).
Interviews that reflect the experiences and the thoughts of members of the UCLA campus community on the topic of the COVID-19 pandemic. A number of Angelenos from the broader LA community participated in the project as well. Because of stipulations in legal agreements and other reasons, some oral...
Biographical Note:
Graduate of UCLA and urban planner in Los Angeles, dedicated to an activist approach through embedded planning.
Purpose Served: An Oral History of the Exemplary Life of Arthur Ashe, 1943-1993 is an initiative of the Arthur Ashe Legacy Fund (AALF) at UCLA and is funded by AALF and by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. By launching an oral history project to document and capture the firsthand recollections of ...
Biographical Note:
Interviewed because of connection to tennis player Arthur Ashe. Participated in the Arthur Ashe founded National Junior Tennis League (NJTL); served as a ball boy for Ashe during several professional World Championship Tennis tournaments in Dallas, Texas.
Chemical Entanglements: Oral Histories of Environmental Illness is a collection of interviews with over seventy individuals living in the U.S. and Canada whose family history, occupation, art practice, or activism have brought them into direct contact with illness experience and disability relate...
Biographical Note:
Interviewed for the UCLA Center for the Study of Women’s Chemical Entanglements: Oral Histories of Environmental Illness series. Experiences Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). Advocates for MCS through direct communication: writing letters to CEOS about changing their products and talking to bu...