71. Interview of Mehli Mehta Topic: UCLA and University of California History UCLA Faculty Music Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Immigrant from India, conductor, and violinist.
72. Interview of Louis Kaufman Topic: Music Length: 9.25 hrs. Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Film score and concert violinist.
73. Interview of Dorothy Warenskjold Topic: Music Length: 10.5 hrs. Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Singer with the San Francisco Opera. UCLA adjunct professor in the School of Art.
74. Interview of Joanna Graudan Topic: Music Length: 6 hrs. Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Concert pianist and University of Southern California professor of piano.
75. Interview of Alice Ehlers Topic: Music Length: 13.5 hrs. Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: University of Southern California professor of harpsicord.
76. Interview of Lawrence Morton Topic: Music Length: 17 hrs. Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Musician, orchestrator, and music critic. Director of the Monday Evening Concerts and artistic director of the Ojai Music Festival.
77. Interview of Peter Yates Topic: Music Length: 6.5 hrs. Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Creator of the chamber music series “Evenings on the Roof.” Music critic for Arts and Architecture.
78. Interview of Gertrude S. Zeisl Topic: German Émigrés Music Length: 12 hrs. Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: German emigre and wife of composer Erich Zeisl.
79. Interview of Pia Gilbert Topic: Dance Music Length: 24.25 hrs. Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: German émigré and UCLA professor of dance.
80. Interview of David Frisina Topic: Music Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Studio musician and concertmaster of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra.