The Traditional Asian Arts in Southern California series focuses on both immigrants and second- or third-generation Asian Americans who have continued East Asian or Southeast Asian musical, dance, and performance traditions in Southern California. Some preserved their art form by adhering to the...
Biographical Note:
Teacher and performer of Cambodian dance. Co-founder of the Khmer Arts Academy in Long Beach, California, and the Sophiline Arts Ensemble at the Khmer Arts Academy in Cambodia.
The Traditional Asian Arts in Southern California series focuses on both immigrants and second- or third-generation Asian Americans who have continued East Asian or Southeast Asian musical, dance, and performance traditions in Southern California. Some preserved their art form by adhering to the...
Biographical Note:
Founder and director of the Korean Classical Music and Dance Company and UCLA faculty member in ethnomusicology.
Los Angeles disc jockey on soul radio stations during the 1960s and 1970s who was known as “the Master Blaster.” Producer and host of "For Members Only," a Los Angeles news and entertainment program directed at African Americans.
Musicologist, composer, and folklorist. Research professor at the UCLA Institute of Ethnomusicology and founding member of the American Society for Comparative Musicology