The Ralph Edwards Productions series seeks to document the history of the Ralph Edwards Productions company by interviewing persons who had worked closely with Ralph Edwards in the early years of the company. Ralph Edwards Productions produced This is Your Life, as well as Truth or Consequences, ...
Biographical Note:
Writer for Ralph Edwards Productions program “Truth or Consequences.”. Magician and founder of the Magic Castle, a venue for performing magic.
The Ralph Edwards Productions series seeks to document the history of the Ralph Edwards Productions company by interviewing persons who had worked closely with Ralph Edwards in the early years of the company. Ralph Edwards Productions produced This is Your Life, as well as Truth or Consequences, ...
Biographical Note:
Producer for Ralph Edwards Productions who was involved with the television series “This is Your Life.” Senior vice president of programming and development for KindWorld Productions.
The Ralph Edwards Productions series seeks to document the history of the Ralph Edwards Productions company by interviewing persons who had worked closely with Ralph Edwards in the early years of the company. Ralph Edwards Productions produced This is Your Life, as well as Truth or Consequences, ...
Biographical Note:
Co-founder with Ralph Edwards of Ralph Edwards-Stu Billett Productions. Creator in concert with Ralph Edwards of the court TV series “The People's Court.”
The Ralph Edwards Productions series seeks to document the history of the Ralph Edwards Productions company by interviewing persons who had worked closely with Ralph Edwards in the early years of the company. Ralph Edwards Productions produced This is Your Life, as well as Truth or Consequences, ...
Biographical Note:
Host of the Ralph Edwards Productions program “Truth or Consequences,” and of the game show “The Price is Right.” Animal rights activist.