Inventor of ALOHAnet, a project that created a wireless radio packet switched network which was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) an agency of the government that develops technology for the military.
This series documents the contribution of UCLA Athletics Coach J.D. Morgan through interviews with individuals who had worked with Morgan both inside and outside the UCLA community.
Biographical Note:
UCLA’s first head tennis coach. Executive director of the Associated Students of UCLA. Interviewed because of connection to J.D. Morgan, UCLA tennis coach and athletic director.
Interviews in this series were undertaken by the UCLA Oral History Program under the auspices of the California State Archives and in conjunction with the California State University, Fullerton, Oral History Program; California State University, Sacramento, Center for California Studies Oral Hist...
Biographical Note:
Ex officio member of the University of California Board of Regents. President of the Alumni Association of the University of California, Los Angeles from 1961 to 1963.
This series contains reminiscences of individuals who knew University of California Regent Edward A. Dickson.
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of German literature and language, founder of the UCLA Department of Theater Arts, and dean of the UCLA Graduate Division. Interviewed because of connection to UCLA Regent Edward A. Dickson.