81. Interview of William D. Warren Topic: UCLA and University of California History UCLA Faculty Length: 12.67 hrs. Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: UCLA dean of the School of Law.
82. Interview of Robert M. Williams Topic: UCLA and University of California History UCLA Faculty Length: 9.85 hrs. Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: UCLA professor of economics. Founder of UCLA’s Business Forecasting Project.
83. Interview of Ruth Roemer Topic: UCLA and University of California History UCLA Faculty Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: UCLA professor of health services and lawyer.
84. Interview of Alma Hawkins Topic: UCLA and University of California History Dance UCLA Faculty Length: 8.5 hrs. Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Founder UCLA Department of Dance, the nation’s first dance department.
85. Interview of John Eliot Coit Topic: Urban Planning and Land Use UCLA and University of California History UCLA Faculty Science, Medicine, and Technology Agriculture Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: University of California, Berkeley professor of citriculture and superintendent of the Citrus Experiment Station. Founder of Coit Agricultural Service.
86. Interview of Lawrence Clark Powell (1963) Topic: UCLA and University of California History UCLA Faculty UCLA Librarians Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Librarian, author, and bibliographer. UCLA university librarian and dean of the UCLA School of Library Service.