95. Twenty-Five Years of Community Organizing and Institution Building in the Aftermath of Watts: 1965-1990 Topic: African American History Social Movements Community Activism Audio:
96. Oakwood Video Project: Activists in the African American Community of Venice, California Topic: African American History Community History Social Movements Community Activism Audio:
97. Mitigating Poverty in the City of Angels: Interviews with Affordable Housing and Social Welfare Activists Topic: Social Movements Community Activism Audio:
98. Central American Solidarity Movement in Los Angeles Topic: Latina and Latino History Social Movements Community Activism Central Americans in Southern California Audio:
99. Interviews conducted by Constance Coiner for book Better Red Topic: Communist Party Literature Labor Movement Social Movements Audio:
100. Donde Haiga un Trabajador Explotado, Ahí Estaré Yo: Justice for Janitors' Workers, Organizers, and Allies Topic: Social Movements Labor Movement Audio: