This series was made possible by support from the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute and Hospital and documents the history of that institution.
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of psychiatry and bio-behavioral sciences. Director of the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute’s Division of Mental Retardation and Child Psychiatry.
This series was made possible by support from the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute and Hospital and documents the history of that institution.
Biographical Note:
UCLA professor of psychiatry and bio-behavioral sciences. Head of the UCLA Department of Psychology’s Division of Child Psychiatry, a division of the Neuropsychiatric Institute.
Research manager for the ARPANET project, which developed an experimental computer network, a precursor to the internet. Co-founder of GTE Telenet, an early packet switch service company.
Researcher for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), an agency of the government that develops technology for the military. UCLA adjunct professor of computer science.
Member of the ARPANET project, which developed an experimental computer network, a precursor to the internet. Member of the Internet Working Group (IWG), which developed TCP/IP.
Program manager and office director for the ARPANET project, which developed an experimental computer network, a precursor to the internet. Engineer and founder of Telenet, a packet data communications carrier.