11. Interview of Ann M. Briegleb Topic: UCLA and University of California History UCLA Research Centers and Programs Music Length: 1.5 hrs. Language: English Audio: Series Statement: This series documents the history of UCLA's Institute of Ethnomusicology, which was founded in 1961 and dissolved in 1974. Biographical Note: Librarian for the UCLA Ethnomusicology Archive.
12. Interview of Max Harrell Topic: UCLA and University of California History Music UCLA Research Centers and Programs Length: 1.5 hrs. Language: English Audio: Series Statement: This series documents the history of UCLA's Institute of Ethnomusicology, which was founded in 1961 and dissolved in 1974. Biographical Note: UCLA graduate student in ethnomusicology. Performer of Javanese music and director of the UCLA Balinese ensemble.
13. Interview of Ernest Fleischmann (1999-2000) Topic: Music Length: 26.75 hrs. Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Executive director of the Los Angeles Philharmonic and general director of the Hollywood Bowl.
14. Interview of Jacqueline Cogdell DjeDje Topic: UCLA and University of California History African American History Music UCLA Faculty Length: 5 hrs. Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: UCLA professor of ethnomusicology. Director of UCLA’s Ethnomusicology Archive.
15. Interview of David Frisina Topic: Music Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Studio musician and concertmaster of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra.
16. Interview of Mary Bran Topic: Music Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Music manager and concert promoter.
17. Interview of Johana Harris Topic: Music Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Concert pianist and composer. UCLA professor of music.
18. Interview of Paul Tanner Topic: Music Length: 4.65 hrs. Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Trombonist and member of the Glenn Miller Orchestra. Inventor of the electro-theremin and UCLA lecturer of music.
19. Interview of Mel Powell Topic: Music Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Composer and jazz pianist. California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) provost and dean of the School of Music.
20. Interview of Jan Popper Topic: Music Length: 6 hrs. Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: UCLA professor of music and director of the UCLA Opera Theater. Founder of the UCLA Opera Workshop.