This series of interviews looks back on Synanon, the first self-help residential community for drug rehabilitation in the United States, which was founded in Venice, California in 1959 and continued through the early 1990s. In the interviews the former residents speak from their own experience in...
Interviews in this series preserve the recollections of selected individuals in Los Angeles who were affected by the Hollywood blacklist during the Joseph R. McCarthy-J. Edgar Hoover era.
Biographical Note:
Wife of screenwriter Waldo Salt, who was blacklisted in the post-World War II Hollywood blacklist.
The interviews in the series Allensworth Community feature recollections of the descendants of Allensworth (California) residents and founders. The town was established in 1908 by Lieutenant Colonel Allen Allensworth (1842-1914), at that time the highest-ranking African American officer in histor...
The interviews in the series Allensworth Community feature recollections of the descendants of Allensworth (California) residents and founders. The town was established in 1908 by Lieutenant Colonel Allen Allensworth (1842-1914), at that time the highest-ranking African American officer in histor...
The interviews in the series Allensworth Community feature recollections of the descendants of Allensworth (California) residents and founders. The town was established in 1908 by Lieutenant Colonel Allen Allensworth (1842-1914), at that time the highest-ranking African American officer in histor...
The interviews in the series Allensworth Community feature recollections of the descendants of Allensworth (California) residents and founders. The town was established in 1908 by Lieutenant Colonel Allen Allensworth (1842-1914), at that time the highest-ranking African American officer in histor...
The interviews in the series Allensworth Community feature recollections of the descendants of Allensworth (California) residents and founders. The town was established in 1908 by Lieutenant Colonel Allen Allensworth (1842-1914), at that time the highest-ranking African American officer in histor...
The interviews in the series Allensworth Community feature recollections of the descendants of Allensworth (California) residents and founders. The town was established in 1908 by Lieutenant Colonel Allen Allensworth (1842-1914), at that time the highest-ranking African American officer in histor...
The interviews in the series Art History - Oral Documentation Project are part of a cooperative venture between the Oral History Program and the Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, documents a generation of scholars who developed and elaborated paradigms of art history establi...
Biographical Note:
Director of Villa i Tatti under the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies in Florence, Italy. Leader of first U.S. university-based conservation program at New York University Institute of Fine Arts.
The interviews in the series Art History - Oral Documentation Project are part of a cooperative venture between the Oral History Program and the Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, documents a generation of scholars who developed and elaborated paradigms of art history establi...
Biographical Note:
Art historian and professor at Harvard University with a focus in Italian Renaissance architecture history.
The interviews in the series Art History - Oral Documentation Project are part of a cooperative venture between the Oral History Program and the Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, documents a generation of scholars who developed and elaborated paradigms of art history establi...
Biographical Note:
Yale University professor of art history and Williams College professor of art. Curator of modern art at Yale University Art Gallery and director of Clark Art Institute at Williams College.
The interviews in the series Art History - Oral Documentation Project are part of a cooperative venture between the Oral History Program and the Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, documents a generation of scholars who developed and elaborated paradigms of art history establi...
Biographical Note:
Princeton University professor of art and archaeology with a focus on Byzantine and medieval art.
The interviews in the series Art History - Oral Documentation Project are part of a cooperative venture between the Oral History Program and the Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, documents a generation of scholars who developed and elaborated paradigms of art history establi...
The interviews in the series Art History - Oral Documentation Project are part of a cooperative venture between the Oral History Program and the Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, documents a generation of scholars who developed and elaborated paradigms of art history establi...
Biographical Note:
Smith College professor of art. Archaeologist and art historian who conducted excavations at Samothrace.
The interviews in the series Art History - Oral Documentation Project are part of a cooperative venture between the Oral History Program and the Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, documents a generation of scholars who developed and elaborated paradigms of art history establi...
Biographical Note:
Columbia University's Barnard College professor of art history with a focus on works by Dutch painters.
The interviews in the series Art History - Oral Documentation Project are part of a cooperative venture between the Oral History Program and the Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, documents a generation of scholars who developed and elaborated paradigms of art history establi...
Biographical Note:
Director of Williams College Museum of Art. Williams College professor of art.
Union organizer and president of the United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America (UE) Local 1414. President of the California Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) and member of the Communist Party.
Member of the Rounce and Coffin Club, a group of hobby printers and librarians. Los Angeles City College professor in journalism and graphic arts and Los Angeles State College professor in applied arts and sciences.