51. Interview of Frank Wilkinson Topic: Social Movements Civil Liberties Length: 58.75 hrs. Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Civil liberties activist. Executive director of the National Committee Against Repressive Legislation and the First Amendment Foundation.
52. Interview of William C. Aston Topic: Social Movements Labor Movement Length: 7.1 hrs. Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Machine shop worker and chair of the United Automobile Workers, Local 887.
53. Interview of William B. Elconin Topic: Social Movements Labor Movement Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Social worker and union organizer for the United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America (UE).
54. Interview of Barbara Nestor Topic: Social Movements Communist Party Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Chair of the Southern California chapter of the Communist Party.
55. Interview of Paul Russo Topic: Social Movements Labor Movement Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Union organizer for United Automobile Workers Local 72.
56. Interview of Herbert Knott Sorrell Topic: Social Movements Labor Movement Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Union organizer. Head of the Conference of Studio Unions (CSU) and business manager of the Motion Picture Painters union, Local 644.
57. Interview of Jack B. Tenney Topic: Politics and Government Social Movements Film and Television Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: U.S. senator from 1943 to 1955 and 38th district California State Assembly member from 1936 to 1942. Head of the California Senate Factfinding Subcommittee on Un-American Activities ("Tenney Committee") and leader of anti-communist investigations.
58. Interview of Seniel Ostrow Topic: Social Movements Civil Liberties Length: 14 hrs. Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Civil rights activist and owner of the Sealy Mattress Company.
59. Interview of John W. Caughey Topic: Social Movements Civil Liberties Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: UCLA professor of history. Civil rights activist involved with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
60. Interview of Abraham L. Wirin Topic: Social Movements Civil Liberties Language: English Audio: Biographical Note: Staff attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Southern California.