Chemical Entanglements: Oral Histories of Environmental Illness is a collection of interviews with over seventy individuals living in the U.S. and Canada whose family history, occupation, art practice, or activism have brought them into direct contact with illness experience and disability relate...
Biographical Note:
Interviewed for the UCLA Center for the Study of Women’s Chemical Entanglements: Oral Histories of Environmental Illness series, an artist and disability advocate from Canada who uses photography, performance, and poetry to bring awareness to those who suffer from environmental illnesses.
Union organizer and president of the United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America (UE) Local 1414. President of the California Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) and member of the Communist Party.
Interviews in this series preserve the recollections of selected individuals in Los Angeles who were affected by the Hollywood blacklist during the Joseph R. McCarthy-J. Edgar Hoover era.
Biographical Note:
Screenwriter who was blacklisted in the post-World War II Hollywood blacklist.
Interviews in this series preserve the recollections of selected individuals in Los Angeles who were affected by the Hollywood blacklist during the Joseph R. McCarthy-J. Edgar Hoover era.
Biographical Note:
Journalist who wrote articles exposing the post-World War II Hollywood blacklist.
Interviews in this series preserve the recollections of selected individuals in Los Angeles who were affected by the Hollywood blacklist during the Joseph R. McCarthy-J. Edgar Hoover era.
Biographical Note:
Story editor who was blacklisted in the post-World War II Hollywood blacklist.
Interviews in this series preserve the recollections of selected individuals in Los Angeles who were affected by the Hollywood blacklist during the Joseph R. McCarthy-J. Edgar Hoover era.
Biographical Note:
Actor and acting teacher who was blacklisted in the post-World War II Hollywood blacklist.
U.S. senator from 1943 to 1955 and 38th district California State Assembly member from 1936 to 1942. Head of the California Senate Factfinding Subcommittee on Un-American Activities ("Tenney Committee") and leader of anti-communist investigations.
Trade union leader and international representative for the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE). President of the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals and vice-chairman of the Council Against Communist Aggression.
Interviews in this series preserve the recollections of selected individuals in Los Angeles who were affected by the Hollywood blacklist during the Joseph R. McCarthy-J. Edgar Hoover era.
Biographical Note:
Screenwriter who was blacklisted in the post-World War II Hollywood blacklist.
Interviews in this series preserve the recollections of selected individuals in Los Angeles who were affected by the Hollywood blacklist during the Joseph R. McCarthy-J. Edgar Hoover era.
Biographical Note:
Wife of screenwriter Waldo Salt, who was blacklisted in the post-World War II Hollywood blacklist.
Interviews in this series preserve the recollections of selected individuals in Los Angeles who were affected by the Hollywood blacklist during the Joseph R. McCarthy-J. Edgar Hoover era.
Biographical Note:
Screenwriter and co-founder of the Screen Writers Guild who was blacklisted in the post-World War II Hollywood blacklist.
Union organizer for the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE), Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers International Union, and Federation of Retired Union Members (FORUM).
Member of the Socialist Party and active in the Populist movement. Reporter for the Los Angeles Record, editor of EPIC News, and a commissioner on the Los Angeles Board of Public Works.
Co-founder and executive director of the Westside Center for Independent Living and disability services coordinator for the city of Culver City. Special assistant to the chancellor and ADA/504 compliance officer at UCLA.
Human rights activist and member of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) National Advisory Council. Organizer of the Daniel Ellsberg Pentagon Papers defense team and president of the Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners.
Co-founding officer of the Coalition of Labor Union Women and president of the United Public Workers Local 246. General manager for GM at Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 434.
Women’s Activist Lives in Los Angeles is a series of interviews done by graduate research assistants under the auspices of UCLA’s Center for the Study of Women. The series addresses the diverse ways in which women’s social movement activities affected public policy and transformed civic institut...
Biographical Note:
Co-founder and executive director of Project Peacemakers, Inc., which provides support for those escaping domestic abuse. Executive director of the Jenesse Center, which helps African American women who have been abused.