Superior court judge and California state chair for the Democratic Central Committee. Chair of the Board of Prison Terms and Paroles and director of penology.
Member of the Socialist Party and active in the Populist movement. Reporter for the Los Angeles Record, editor of EPIC News, and a commissioner on the Los Angeles Board of Public Works.
Secretary for Katherine Duer Mackay, founder of the Equal Franchise Society, a woman’s suffrage organization. Wife of Harry Hopkins, member of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s administration.
Interviews in this series were undertaken by the UCLA Oral History Program under the auspices of the California State Archives and in conjunction with the California State University, Fullerton, Oral History Program; California State University, Sacramento, Center for California Studies Oral Hist...
Biographical Note:
Journalist from 1950 to 1985 with a focus on politics in California at local and state levels.
Interviews in this series were undertaken by the UCLA Oral History Program under the auspices of the California State Archives and in conjunction with the California State University, Fullerton, Oral History Program; California State University, Sacramento, Center for California Studies Oral Hist...
Biographical Note:
California assembly member from 1957 to 1959 and Los Angeles County Superior Court judge from 1959 to 1973.