This project is designed to document the lives of Negro League baseball players whose careers spanned the heyday of the league (1920s-1950s) and who grew up in Southern California, who played in the West Coast Professional Baseball League or the California Winter League, or who eventually migrate...
Biographical Note:
Member of the American Negro League. Shortstop for the Kansas City Monarchs.
This project is designed to document the lives of Negro League baseball players whose careers spanned the heyday of the league (1920s-1950s) and who grew up in Southern California, who played in the West Coast Professional Baseball League or the California Winter League, or who eventually migrate...
This project is designed to document the lives of Negro League baseball players whose careers spanned the heyday of the league (1920s-1950s) and who grew up in Southern California, who played in the West Coast Professional Baseball League or the California Winter League, or who eventually migrate...
Biographical Note:
Member of the American Negro League. Player for the Indianapolis Clowns.
Interviews in this series include individuals who were instrumental in creating and guiding the Center for African American Studies at UCLA to a position of widely recognized excellence among the nation's African American studies departments, centers, and institutes.
Biographical Note:
Managing partner of the law firm Bobbitt & Roberts and president of Solar Records. Involved in the founding of the UCLA Bunche Center for African American Studies.
Interviews in this series include individuals who were instrumental in creating and guiding the Center for African American Studies at UCLA to a position of widely recognized excellence among the nation's African American studies departments, centers, and institutes.
Biographical Note:
California State University, Long Beach, professor of Africana studies. Co-founder of the US Organization. Involved in the founding of the UCLA Bunche Center for African American Studies.
Interviews in this series include individuals who were instrumental in creating and guiding the Center for African American Studies at UCLA to a position of widely recognized excellence among the nation's African American studies departments, centers, and institutes.
Biographical Note:
UCLA director of minority recruitment. Involved in the founding of the UCLA Bunche Center for African American Studies.
Interviews in this series include individuals who were instrumental in creating and guiding the Center for African American Studies at UCLA to a position of widely recognized excellence among the nation's African American studies departments, centers, and institutes.
Biographical Note:
UCLA assistant professor of labor economics and founding director of the UCLA Bunche Center for African American Studies. Later professor of economics at Loyola Marymount University.
The interviews in the series African Americans in Entertainment and Media are designed to document African Americans in television, radio, theater and film and aims to better understand how they overcame bias and discrimination and were trailblazers who opened doors for other African Americans in...